To avoid redundant work, we kindly ask that you align with Fred, the former tech lead at the Arbitrum Foundation, who is currently exploring this space. We look forward to your valuable insights.
- Date: 2025-02-06
- Actual Effort: 42 (expected 46)
- Schedule variance: +1 days (expected to recover)
- 2025-02-06: Estimated effort revised after discovery/research with reporting and monitoring considered. Project schedule revised. Metrics updated to revised schedule.
- 2025-01-27: Metrics updated - No previous values.
- 2025-01-23: Team member ill causing schedule delay. Blocked on input from Fred; may be able to start next task while previous in progress.
- Scope:
- Gather and analyze all sources of existing discussion and suggestions to evaluate
- Identify potential solutions that may be better than existing suggestions
- Discuss with Fred his scope of work, progress, and recommendations to expedite this report
- Consider potentially expanding the role by identifying potential gaps in responsibilities of security council and any other participants
- Define specific technical requirements that a justified threshold of members should satisfy
- Identify impact on role expansion and technical proficiency on elections and applications for members
- Recommend justified best practices for all members and specific member types like organizations or companies
- Effort
- Milestone Deliverables
- Research summary - 2024-01-24
- Draft - 2025-02-17
- Final report - 2025-02-24
- Schedule 2025-01-21 — 2025-02-24
- Plan
- Start 2025-01-21
- End 2025-01-21
- Effort 4 hours
- Research
- Start 2025-01-22
- End 2025-02-06
- Effort 42 hours
- Research summary feedback
- Start 2025-02-07
- End 2025-02-10
- Analyze
- Start 2025-02-10
- End 2025-02-18
- Effort 52 hours
- Draft feedback
- Start 2025-02-18
- End 2025-02-20
- Finalize
- Start 2024-02-20
- End 2024-02-24
- Effort 8 hours
- Notes
- Scope considers multiple security council related tasks on Projects Dashboard - ARDC V2
- Milestones allow for frequent feedback
- Total duration can be reduced by eliminating some milestones or shortening review periods
- Schedule depends on Fred’s availability
- Recommend reporting effort actuals no more frequently than milestone dates