
This page contains all the information related to ARDC’s Security Member, OpenZeppelin, including how the Arbitrum community can stay up to date and engage with the team for security assistance on proposals.

OpenZeppelin’s responsibilities as the Security Member of ARDC include:

  1. Reviewing governance proposals made to Arbitrum Core and Arbitrum Treasury.
  2. Auditing the source code for smart contract upgrades and new deployments that are planned to go through governance.
  3. Advising on community usage of security tooling for static analysis, fuzzing, invariant testing and other methodologies.
  4. Providing Educational Materials, Guidelines and a Quality Assurance Process for Arbitrum proposals and upgrades.

Engaging with OpenZeppelin

If you expect to be making a proposal in the coming months, you can request a review from our team and be considered in our backlog. Please note that any new smart contract requiring audit will need to be requested at least 1 month in advance of the proposal being submitted.

You can reach out to our team at: [email protected] to request a proposal or review.

OpenZeppelin Work Backlog

Untitled Database

ARDC Security Member Information & Resources